About Me


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I am a usability designer and researcher specialising in mobile technologies and healthcare applications. I am passionate about technology usability, particularly for serious games. I believe that games can be used to educate and motivate people in a variety of areas, including health and education. I promote an evidence-based user-centerer design process. To read about my process in-depth look at my Process section.
I have a background in psychology and computer science, and have researched how touch free interfaces can be used to encourage physical activity, particularly in people with reduced mobility. I am an advocate for accessibility in digital design.


I worked for DECIDE, UCL’s London-based business accelerator 2013-2014. Here I worked with many clients, redesigning interfaces, and validating products ranging from mobile games, to hospital ward based decision support programs. I also worked extensively with digital start-ups. I designed a professional development course for gaming start-ups, run in association with TIGA and UCL. During my time at DECIDE, I worked on a university-wide strategy for medical app regulation, and helped develop infrastructure for validating medical apps and software created by startups in London.

I am passionate about getting women into STEM subjects. I belonged to the UCL Computer Science Athena SWAN group. In Autumn 2014 I sat on the roundtable for the UK Games Industry Summit, held at the Microsoft Headquarters. I also run game-creation workshops for women with no coding experience.

Along side running games and UX workshops, I also organise events, such as the Gamification and Self-Tracking event at the UCL Festival for Digital Health 2014. I was on the planning committee for the first Annual Conference for the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change 2014. I continue to facilitate hackathons at General Assembly.

My UX workshops at General Assembly Melbourne include Intro to Paper Prototyping, and the future of UX. I previously worked as an instructor on the UXDI course at General Assembly, and am currently a senior UX designer at Australia Post.

I am available for work on devices, websites and games in the public and private sector in Melbourne Australia.